Friday 27 May 2011

I find it interesting how unprepared the Price familt is to live in the African community.  I don't think they knew what kind of condition they would be living in.

Friday 20 May 2011

Points of View

I'm really liking, so far, how each chapter cycles through, in no particular order, the points of view from the characters. The Price family characters are pretty different from each other which is interesting. Just from reading the first chapter alone I can already distinguish the little niches that each girl has.

Leah has the small obsessive need to be with her dad, and kind of have him want her back (Kite Runner connection, anyone?!)
"My father had been going to the garden alone.....I sometimes went out to sit with him, even though Mother held it against me, saying he needed his solitude" (pp.77)

Adah is the most intelligent of the characters, which is my personal favorite part of the entire story so far. I will elaborate on her cleverness in another post.

Rachel is sweet, but showing signs of a typical sixteen year old. Needing her hair products, being the only one to bring a mirror, etc. etc. Not the brightest bulb, but she's observant of her younger siblings.
"Boy, what a place. Already I was heavy-hearted in my soul for the flush commodes and machine-washed clothes and other simple things in life I have took for granite." (pp.23)
lolol 'granite'

Ruth May is just cute. Curious as George, kind of sassy and pretty independent, I can picture her in my minds eye. Of course she has a lot to learn and a lot of growing up to do.
"If somebody was hungry, why would they have a big fat belly? I dont know." (pp.50)
"Our stove is an iron contraption with a firebox so immense a person could climb right in if they felt like it. Mother yanked Ruth May out by the arm, pretty hard, when she found her in there" (p. 65)

Orleanna will have her own post, too. I'm just getting to the part of the book where I'm figuring her out.
hahahas lol this is soo funny