Monday 13 June 2011

Bigger picture

Orleanna Price says something that is somewhat relate-able to myself.

(pp. 323)
"From the next five months.of Lumumba's imprisonment, escape and recapture, I recall- what?
The hardships of washing and cooking in a drought. A humiliating event in the church, and rising contentions in the village. Ruth May's illness, of course. And a shocking scrap with Leah, who wanted to go hunting with the men. I was occupied so much by each day, I felt detached from anything so large as a month o a year. history didn't cross my min. Now it does. Now I know, whatever your burdens, to hold yourself apart from the lot of more powerful men is an illusion."

This speaks to me in a way because sometimes it feels like I look back on a time of my life where things seemed to be falling apart, or situations felt so overwhelming and took over everything that was going on. It distracted me from the bigger picture in life. Usually this has to do with grades. I find that happened a lot during the duration of high school. Yes, grades are important, but from a Christian perspective, they're not anything close to what i should be living for.

I'd like other ppl's views on if this has ever felt familiar in your life, too. Being distracted from something huge by something small yet it seemed big.


  1. I completely agree! And from a non-Christian perspective, i feel the same way. I have been known to focus mainly on details, and to try and fix all of the small things instead of stepping back and looking at the big picture. It's a very difficult thing to know what is truly important in life and to know what one should live for. On top of that, balancing all of the smaller things as well.

  2. I do agree but not totally. As a Christian’s perspective, I think it's for you to decide whether something is big or small, and your ability to balance or overcome these triumphs in life. Because if grades are considered overwhelming enough to distract you greatly, then I can't imagine when we reach adulthood where the pressure of raising a family or yourself comes in. As a Christian, I think it's just the effort you put into you're beliefs, because having the faith in Christ should only be supportive instead of bringing stress.
