Sunday 19 June 2011

Dynamic Character

Dynamic character is a character in the novel that undergoes significant, lasting change usually in his or her outlook on life. After reading this book, I think the character that changed the most in personality and thoughts wise is Rachel Price. She’s always been the beauty queen in the family, doesn’t really share the same religious thoughts as her father, and mostly cares for her physical condition. The feeling that she gives to me as a reader, is that she puts herself way high up, superior than anyone else, stubborn and hard to accept other facts into her mind. She wanted to leave Congo as soon as she took first glimpse of the environment and people. She seems extremely racist and constantly compares everything she sees to her home town, America. Usually these kinds of characters often need to go though some kind of long term suffer or a sudden tragedy. In the close end of the story, Ruth May got bit by a snake and died, and she gone through three marriages, and ended up with a hotel.

“Did I ever think I would wind up here getting old? Not on your life. But here I am. I’ve walked off more marriages and close calls than you can shake a stick at, but never got out of the Dark Continent” (page 511)

“At least I can say that I’m a person who can look around and see what she’s accomplished in this world” (page 511)

“Then why not go back. Well, now it’s too late, of course. I have responsibilities. ” (page 512)

Her thoughts and actions in the end really showed the dramatic change in her character. Nothing in life is definite; you’ll never know that you will end up at certain places at a certain age. And she now knows her responsibilities in life, nothing else seem important anymore.

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