Wednesday 8 June 2011

Change in Character

Throughout the time that Mr.Price and Leah were working on their garden I thought that they both underwent a character change.  When they first planted the seeds they refused to accept the help of Mama Tataba.  This tells us that they think the 'Western' way of doing things is the best when in reality they don't understand that if their way of gardening worked than the locals would be doing it that way instead.  When the early rains wash out their seeds is when they begin to change.  They realise that the Congolese people may not be as backward as they first suspected.

But that's probably pretty obvious so this is when the gears really started moving and this is my deep part of my blog entry (well kinda deep anyway :) ).  What if....wait for it....the garden represents their whole mission in the Congo.  If the flat garden represents the Prices' way of life and the bumpy garden represents the Congolese way of life.  If you look at it that way than you have to question the whole reason for the Price family to be there.  The whole Christian way of life may be perfect for Western countries but and at the same time be absolute nonsense for African nations the same way the flat garden didn't work in the Congo.  So basically I think I'm just trying to show how the way Mr.Price refused to take Mama'a advice can be compared to Christianities love of trying to fit into every society even if it obviously has no business being there. 

I hope this makes sense if not let me know and I will attempt to clarify my idea.  As well I apologize if I offended anybody by kinda hatin on Christianity, I was just trying to get my point accross.  :{ ) <that's a moustache smiley face if anyone's wondering


  1. Naw way bro, i respect your view. But FROM a Christian perspective, I kind of view it as something more along the lines of the way he's forcing the religion on them. From religious perspective I say Christianity is for everyone. Its how people recieve it, and more importantly, how we tell others about it. Mr. Price sucks. Wost missionary ever--doesnt even try connecting with the people. Just seems like he's a crazy man with passion to save, but is not passionate about those who need saving.

  2. Agree with Rob on this one. The tribes or villages that have been living in isolated areas in Africa longer than any history records. In that long time of isolation with other civilizations, they obviously have their own beliefs like the respect they have for every living and non living thing, for instance, they probably believe every object has a god or spirit in it. So when outsiders uses certain ways to plant their seeds, the object they use or actions they do might have offended Mama’s beliefs but thinking the fact that these outsiders are here to help, she just let it go. Back to the topic of beliefs, the African Nations has lived in the harshest environment that anyone could hardly live in for centuries, they thank the fact that nature has gave them opportunity to survive, so they’re religious beliefs are obviously related in respecting every living thing in nature, not really into the forgiving sins.
